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Mental Health Signposting

Mrs Flanagan and Miss Simpson

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leads

At St Edwards, we are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our children and staff. Through the scheme Jigsaw, we provide thoughtful discussions to aid children with the skills and strategies to use throughout life. We aim to be supportive, caring and respectful to encourage our children to be open so that they can have their voice heard. We understand the importance of the children developing the emotional resilience and providing coping strategies for different life experiences. We recognise that our parents/guardians are key to ensuring that children thrive both physically and emotionally. Their ability to raise concerns and feel supported is fundamental in order to ensure that we work in partnership to identify any needs early and signpost to external specialists where needed.

We’ve put together some resources which we hope you find useful. If you have any concerns about how your child is coping or need any other support from the school, please let us know by contacting the school office at and a member of staff will get back to you.

Follow the link below to take you to the Mental Health Website for Warwickshire Local Authority

Websites that can offer further support and guidance:

Young Minds

The Samaritans

Top tips for our well-being


NHS Depression

Suicidal Thoughts Helpline

Calm zone – resources to help promote calm feelings and relaxation

Eating Disorders

NSPCC Self-harm

Child Bereavement